Thursday, November 17, 2011


Congratulations if you read the blog, you know that tomorrow we have a Very basic algebraic "proofs" open notes

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Tuesday Geometry HW

Tuesday Geometry HW...NOT DUE UNTIL THURSDAY!!!

p.l25 #7-8 You must copy the entire problem and the diagrams that accompany the problems. 

FinAlg Test Friday and another Mini Project

FinAlg will be having a test on Ch3 Friday.  It will not be open notes, but as usual you will be able to have an index card if you so choose.  For the vocab section I will be providing a word bank, but the definitions you will have to know inside and out. 

The mini project information will be given out in class tomorrow, but for inquiring it is tonight.  Remember it is due the Monday when we return from Thanksgiving break.  (Sorry the spacing does not appear to transfer over from MS Word to here)

Financial Goals Mini-Project
Due Monday 11/29/2011
You will be creating a project that portrays 3 financial goals you have for yourself—1 short term, 1 intermediate term, and 1 long term.  They might be standing goals that you have long held, or goals that you just made up.  Your project will not only portray what the goals are, but also at least 2 steps you must take in order to achieve those goals.  In addition, each of your goals must be S.M.A.R.T.
Specific –cannot be vague or too general
Measurable—has to be able to be measured in some way, I’m not going to actually do it, just must be able to
Attainable—can it actually be done
Reasonable—speaks for itself
Timely—does it fit the time definition of the goal
You may portray your 3 financial goals in one of the following 3 ways:
Straightforward and to the point.  Tell me what your 3 goals are and what the 2 things are that you have to do to meet each goal.
On a poster (large or small), but neatly presented, write your 3 goals, list the 2 steps that you must do to achieve each goal.
The most open-ended.  Use art to show your goals, but keep in mind that you have to be specific enough to show the “SMART”ness of them.  Also you will have to give the 2 steps for each goal as well.

This will count for 60 total points.  It will be assessed as follows:
Short term financial goal                                                                                                              20 points total
                Financial goal is stated                                                                                  5 points
                Specific & Measurable                                                                                  5 points
                Timely (fits definition of short term)                                                       5 points
                Gives 2 steps that are necessary to achieve this financial goal      5 points
Intermediate term goal                                                                                                                                20 points total
Financial goal is stated                                                                                   5 points
                Specific & Measurable                                                                                  5 points
                Timely (fits definition of intermediate term)                                       5 points
                Gives 2 steps that are necessary to achieve this financial goal      5 points
Long term goal                                                                                                                                  20 points total
Financial goal is stated                                                                                   5 points
                Specific & Measurable                                                                                  5 points
                Timely (fits definition of long term)                                                         5 points
                Gives 2 steps that are necessary to achieve this financial goal      5 points

Monday, November 14, 2011

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Geometry Test Wednesday

Geometry will be having a test on Sections 2-2, 2-3, and 2-4 on Wednesday 11/9.  Students are allowed to make an index card 3 x 5 and fill up the front and back with handwritten information to use as assistance on the test. 

Tuesday FinAlg HW

Financial Algebra HW for Tuesday night (Due Wednesday).  Chapter 3 vocabulary and sentences...words can be found on page 70.  Please remember that you must include the definition and a contextual sentence to earn full credit. 

Friday, November 4, 2011

Geometry Test Wednesday

Geometry will be having a test on Wednesday.  It will cover sections 2-2 through 2-4.  It is all about conditional statements and deductive reasoning.  Please be sure you make your index card for the test.