Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Geometry HW Due Thursday

Geomtry HW Due Thursday

p.152 #12-25 in textbook
p.59-60 in workbook (will be done in class Wednesday as classwork)

Financial Algebra Semester Exam Info

Financial Algebra Semester Exam Specs

Semester Exam Due: 1st period exam block (week of January 17-19)

Your semester exam will focus on the current chapter we are in: Insuring Your Health and Life.  You will have 3 different options to choose from which to complete your semester exam project.   If you would prefer to take a traditional paper and pencil exam, you will have that option as well, however you must choose that option in advance.  There will not be a special review for this exam, but your old tests will be VERY helpful study guides for you.  If you show up on the day of the exam without a project, you will not be allowed to take the paper/pencil exam because one will not be prepared for you.  You must let me know you choose the paper/pencil exam which will cover ALL topics from the 1st semester NO LATER THAN Friday, January 6, 2012.  If you have not signed and returned your slip at the bottom of this paper by then making a decision, you will be locked into a project based exam. 

The three options for the project based exam are as follows:

Option 1: Write a narrative that uses the following vocabulary words in their proper context:  premium, deductible, coinsurance, copay, pre-existing condition, Medicare, Medicaid, family physician, specialist, in-network, out-of-network, term-life insurance, whole-life insurance.  This narrative must be at least 2 pages typed, double spaced, 12 font or 4 pages handwritten (1-sided only).

Option 2:  Create a “presentation” (poster, PPT, etc..) on the healthcare law that was passed into law recently.  You will have to do independent research to complete this project.  There are 2 parts to this presentation: steps to implementation and benefits/drawbacks.  The first part is for you to present/show when different parts of the law are going to be put into effect.  It is a tiered law and everything does not take effect at one time, only bits and pieces each year.  The second part is for you to personally determine what you feel are benefits of the law (good things) and what are drawbacks of the law (bad things).  One word of caution…be careful where you get your information for this project.  There are often places that prove to be biased and bad sources. 

Option 3:  Compare the 3 different health insurance policies given to you in “spec” form.  Give a summary of each plan in paragraph form.  You should be sure to mention the similarities as well as the differences between the highlights such as deductible, coinsurance, copays, prescription drug coverage, and emergency room visits. After giving your summary of each plan, describe the type of person who might benefit from each plan.  You might say such things as “a person who rarely visits the doctor” or “someone who suffers from a chronic illness that requires many visits to a specialist” or “someone who visits a family physician for regular visits and takes a medication regularly” etc.

Please feel free to email me with any additional questions that you may have regarding the option you choose.

Thursday, November 17, 2011


Congratulations if you read the blog, you know that tomorrow we have a Very basic algebraic "proofs" open notes

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Tuesday Geometry HW

Tuesday Geometry HW...NOT DUE UNTIL THURSDAY!!!

p.l25 #7-8 You must copy the entire problem and the diagrams that accompany the problems. 

FinAlg Test Friday and another Mini Project

FinAlg will be having a test on Ch3 Friday.  It will not be open notes, but as usual you will be able to have an index card if you so choose.  For the vocab section I will be providing a word bank, but the definitions you will have to know inside and out. 

The mini project information will be given out in class tomorrow, but for inquiring minds...here it is tonight.  Remember it is due the Monday when we return from Thanksgiving break.  (Sorry the spacing does not appear to transfer over from MS Word to here)

Financial Goals Mini-Project
Due Monday 11/29/2011
You will be creating a project that portrays 3 financial goals you have for yourself—1 short term, 1 intermediate term, and 1 long term.  They might be standing goals that you have long held, or goals that you just made up.  Your project will not only portray what the goals are, but also at least 2 steps you must take in order to achieve those goals.  In addition, each of your goals must be S.M.A.R.T.
Specific –cannot be vague or too general
Measurable—has to be able to be measured in some way, I’m not going to actually do it, just must be able to
Attainable—can it actually be done
Reasonable—speaks for itself
Timely—does it fit the time definition of the goal
You may portray your 3 financial goals in one of the following 3 ways:
Straightforward and to the point.  Tell me what your 3 goals are and what the 2 things are that you have to do to meet each goal.
On a poster (large or small), but neatly presented, write your 3 goals, list the 2 steps that you must do to achieve each goal.
The most open-ended.  Use art to show your goals, but keep in mind that you have to be specific enough to show the “SMART”ness of them.  Also you will have to give the 2 steps for each goal as well.

This will count for 60 total points.  It will be assessed as follows:
Short term financial goal                                                                                                              20 points total
                Financial goal is stated                                                                                  5 points
                Specific & Measurable                                                                                  5 points
                Timely (fits definition of short term)                                                       5 points
                Gives 2 steps that are necessary to achieve this financial goal      5 points
Intermediate term goal                                                                                                                                20 points total
Financial goal is stated                                                                                   5 points
                Specific & Measurable                                                                                  5 points
                Timely (fits definition of intermediate term)                                       5 points
                Gives 2 steps that are necessary to achieve this financial goal      5 points
Long term goal                                                                                                                                  20 points total
Financial goal is stated                                                                                   5 points
                Specific & Measurable                                                                                  5 points
                Timely (fits definition of long term)                                                         5 points
                Gives 2 steps that are necessary to achieve this financial goal      5 points

Monday, November 14, 2011

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Geometry Test Wednesday

Geometry will be having a test on Sections 2-2, 2-3, and 2-4 on Wednesday 11/9.  Students are allowed to make an index card 3 x 5 and fill up the front and back with handwritten information to use as assistance on the test. 

Tuesday FinAlg HW

Financial Algebra HW for Tuesday night (Due Wednesday).  Chapter 3 vocabulary and sentences...words can be found on page 70.  Please remember that you must include the definition and a contextual sentence to earn full credit. 

Friday, November 4, 2011

Geometry Test Wednesday

Geometry will be having a test on Wednesday.  It will cover sections 2-2 through 2-4.  It is all about conditional statements and deductive reasoning.  Please be sure you make your index card for the test.

Monday, October 31, 2011

FinAlg PFP Brochure Project

The Personal Financial Plan

Mini-Project Due: Tuesday, November 8, 2011

You will, develop a brochure, flyer, or newsletter explaining to teens why it is important for them to begin personal financial planning.  Be creative, informative, accurate and remember to use the information discussed during this chapter to reinforce the importance of personal financial planning.  You will be given one day (Friday) to come up with a plan/rough draft of what you want your product to look like.  You will be given one additional day (Monday) to clean and polish that rough draft into a professional looking product that could be displayed as informational literature.

Grading Rubric:

20 points
10 points
0 points
Literature provides information that is accurate and provides enough information to educate on the topic presented.  Includes each of the 7 components of a PFP along with the major attributes of each part of the “plan”
Literature provides information that might be somewhat inaccurate or only uses key ideas but provides no real explanation.  May be missing at least 1 component of the plan.
Literature provides little to no information that is related to personal financial planning.  Incomplete information given on the 7 components.
Final product is either typed or done in neat (legible) handwriting, on straight lines, has a structure that organizes information effectively.
Final product not presented as a polished version of rough draft or very disorganized in manner of presentation.
Final product appears to be tossed together as a last minute effort with no real planning or organization of information at all.
Final product includes color and graphics or visuals to make it eye catching while maintaining the goal of informational literature.
Final product may have some graphics such as a title but no supporting graphics to back up information.
Final product is plain with no color or graphics at all.

Keep in mind, this project does not have to be completed on the computer, but it is okay if you choose to complete yours that way.

Monday, October 17, 2011

Monday FinAlg HW

Finish weekly spending chart sheet. Due Tuesday...remember you have had this paper since LAST Monday to work on.

Monday Geometry HW

WB p.39 ALL & p.40 #12-18 EVEN...kind of late but I just got the chance to post

Friday, October 14, 2011

**EXTRA CREDIT** Due Monday

For the people who were not in class when this opportunity was presented, you may complete this extra credit opportunity and turn it in on Monday.  It must be accurate and follow the guidelines to receive the extra credit.
Exponent has won the grand prize in a radio sweepstakes.  His gifts will be delivered over 10 days.  On the first day, he gets a kitten.  On the second day, he gets two hummingbirds and a kitten.  On the third day, he receives three rings, two hummingbirds, and a kitten.  This pattern continues for seven more days.  The remaining gifts, in order of appearance, include books, boxes of candy, bracelets, bouquets, cologne, CDs, and puppies.
You MUST create a chart to illustrate the DAILY quantities of gifts (the pattern is very similar to the 12 Days of Christmas song).
After 10 days, how many gifts did he receive total?
After 10 days, which gift did he receive the most of?
What is the average number of gifts PER DAY?

Monday, October 10, 2011

Geometry Make Up Tests

Any student who missed the Geometry Ch. 1 test Wednesday 10/5, may make up that test on Tuesday 10/11.

Monday Geometry HW

Monday's Geometry HW
Textbook assignment--Must be in 2-column format (questions & diagrams copied in left colum, calculations and answers shown in right column).  Will post exemplary sample later. 

"Get Ready" p.87 #1-20

Due Tuesday

Friday, October 7, 2011

Geometry Quiz Monday

Midpoint & Distance Formula...can use mimi poster from class

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Wednesday HW all classes (Early Release Day)

All students should complete the graph that they received in class today.  The graph must be colored and the 3 questions at the bottom of the page must be answered (you can use whatever resource you like to answer those questions).  All students were expected to pick up a graph before leaving for a club meeting and will not be able to make it up if they did not. 

What is "Amnesty Day"?

I get this question A LOT :-) I do not accept late work over the course of the quarter simply because it creates quite a bit of confusion and disturbances to normal routines and such.  So, in effort to offer students who may have had a rough patch in getting accustomed to things or something come up in their personal life a chance to get some credit for their work, I do "Amnesty Day."

Amnesty Day is a day at the end of the quarter where I call students back for a mini-conference to let them know what assignments they are missing and just let them know where they stand or inform them of recent assessment scores.  Almost always, this day occurs on a Friday.  The students have the weekend to complete the work and then turn the work in on Monday for 1/2 credit. 

A student must be present in class to receive Amnesty Work from me.  If they are absent on that day, the only other option is for them to look on Skyward.  The due date for the work is 100% set in stone and non-negotiable, regardless of absence...it is, after all, a second chance to turn in work that was already missed once. 

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Thursday Geometry HW & Quiz Tuesday

HW will be turned in at the end of class after going over some tricky questions.  Quiz will be on Tuesday through section 1-3.

Upcoming FinAlg Test

Test on chapter 1 and box plots Tuesday.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Monday FinAlg HW

Comic strip illustrating the concept of opportunity cost. Must use 6 our more frames, be completed in full color, and include dialogue. Due at the beginning of class of Thursday.

Monday Geometry HW

P.17 #6 - 17 ...due to county Geometry testing this assignment will be due Wednesday

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Tuesday Financial Algebra HW

Work on the sheet you got today on class. Remember you will only get 10 minutes to finish at the beginning of class tomorrow.

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Thursday Geometry Homework

This assignment will be in your textbook. It must be in the 2 column format to receive credit.

Financial Algebra Homework

Complete the box-and-whiskers plot worksheet. 

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Frayer Model Grading Criteria

Frayer Model Grading Criteria (25 total points)
Center of Page--BOLD/FLASHY Vocabulary Word              
2 points
Top Left Quadrant—Definition (cannot be copied)       
5 points

Top Right Quadrant-Facts/Characteristics                                                                                                                  
5 points

Bottom Left Quadrant Examples                                                                                                                                      
5 points

Bottom Right Quadrant—Non-Examples                                                                                                           
5 points

All elements completed in color
3 points

Wednesday Geometry Homework

Finish Frayer model diagram if you did not finish in class. See the next post for the grading criteria.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Wed 8/24 HW

Decide on your personal "motto" or motivational quote and make the mini-poster on a regular sheet of computer paper to go in your binder. If you forgot to get the syllabus sheet signed, don't forget this is the only time that you will have the opportunity to turn something in late in my class (because I really need that paper).

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Tuesday's assignments

The Student Interest Questionnaire was completed by most in class (I said you could finish tonight if needed) and the Student Information Sheet is to be filled out and signed by your parent or guardian. Don't forget to look over the syllabus before signing.

Monday's HW

If you did not finish the iSpace activity in class, you should have finished it for homework and turned it in today. I will offer a one-time grace period this first week for assignments, but I won't accept late work after this week.

Monday, August 22, 2011

**All classes-Pretest

All classes will be completing a prerequisite skills test of the skills I feel they should have to be successful in class. It will count as a participation grade only. The only calculators that may be used will be provided in class.

All Classes** Quiz Thursday

There will be an open notes quiz (use your syllabus) on my classroom procedures Thursday 8/25. It will be the first quiz grade of the year.

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Important Geometry EOC Calculator Update

***In light of the information that I recieved Friday morning, if you are planning on purchasing a calculator, it needs to be on the approved list.  No other calculators will be allowed for use in class, on class tests, or on the Geometry EOC.**
For the Geometry EOC Test, hand-held scientific calculators will not be provided by the FDOE.  The following calculators have been approved for use on the Geometry EOC Test.
Texas Instruments
Hewlett Packard
TI-30XS Multi-View  (Online calculator for the computer-based Geometry EOC)

TI-30X IIS (solar)

TI-36X Solar


TI-34 Multi-View





HP 10s
Calculators with similar functions may be approved by the FDOE.

Schools must receive FDOE approval to use scientific calculators not included in the list above.
Graphing calculators, calculators with QWERTY keyboards, WriteView (Sharp) calculators, and calculators with solve functions are not allowed on the Geometry EOC Test. 
Students with visual impairments may use large print/large display scientific calculators that are comparable in function to the approved calculators listed above. The approved talking scientific calculator is the Orion TI-36X, or one that is comparable in function to the Orion TI-36X.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Welcome Back!

I want to wish all my new and returning students a very warm welcome back!  Parents, I'm looking forward to working with you this year to ensure that your student is successful in my class and in school in general.  This blog is new to me so please bear with me as I figure out all the ins and outs of it; but, I envision that it will be a great tool for communicating upcoming assignments, tests, events, and happenings in the classroom this year.  I look forward to a great year and hopefully a great blog too!