If you are not in Honors...just ignore that part :-)
Mrs. Isenhoward’s Honors Class Syllabus
isenhoj@levy.k12.fl.us (352)493-6000
Please check out and subscribe to my blog which will keep you up to date on important assignments, policies, and happenings in the classroom:
Honors—What does it mean?
Being in an Honors class is designed to challenge the limits of your intellectual capacity while best preparing you for the challenges you will face as a student. This Honors class will move at an advanced pace, but more importantly will cover information at a deeper level and higher complexity than a regular Geometry class would be able to. You are expected to maintain a certain level of personal responsibility as an Honors student and will be held to a higher standard in this regard.
Grading Policy
Tests/Quizzes à70% A = 90-100 C = 70-79
(may include projects as well) B = 80-89 D = 60-69
Assignments à30% F = 0-59
(classwork, homework, bellringers, etc)
Homework Policy
Homework is a necessary aspect of any math class. Math is a subject that must be practiced in order to reach a level of proficiency. Homework will be given approximately 4 times per week. Homework assignments are given as reinforcement of a skill ALREADY practiced in class and, many times, it is started in class. 1 Homework assignment will be collected on Friday from the assignments given during the week. The homework will be graded on a balance of effort and accuracy. Only a few problems may be checked when checking the accuracy but the assignment in its entirety will be looked at for effort. You are expected to show all work and copy the problem according to my guidelines explained later.
Make-up Work
It is the responsibility of the student to obtain and turn in make up work when absent from class. When you miss class, you are missing valuable instruction time which cannot be recreated. Any work missed during an absence is the responsibility of the student to acquire at an appropriate time from the Assignment Log and turn in within the allowed time frames as specified by school policy. Make up work that is not picked up by the student and turned in by deadline will be marked as a zero. For each class that I teach, there is a designated class Assignment Log posted at the front of the class that lists the name of the assignment and the date it was assigned. There are color coordinated milk crates that contain any worksheets or handouts that accompany the assignment. They are numbered the same as the assignments on the log so they are easy to find. Make up work must be turned in physically to my hand and receive my “mark” of receipt. In order to receive full credit for make-up work, you must show me a valid admit slip from the front office for the date(s) of your absence showing EXCUSED absence. Any work made up from UNEXCUSED absences is subject to ½ credit only. **As per School Board Policy, work and assessments missed during OSS may not be made up for credit except for students with an IEP only. This includes OSS for missing Saturday school.
Upon entering the class each day, a problem or short assignment will be found on the board or handed out. It is expected that students begin working on that assignment immediately upon the bell ringing and coming into class. Bellringers count for random assignment grades to be decided by me. In order to receive full credit for the bellringer, a student must copy the problem, have attempted the problem, & be on task once the bell rings (talking about non-class topics, searching for supplies, doodling, etc will lose points on bellringers). If a student is absent he/she does not need to make up the bellringer—it will count as an exempt assignment.
Late Work Policy
In order to reinforce a sense of responsibility and prepare students for the expectations beyond high school, there are penalties for turning in late work (the only exception to this are for accommodations due to an IEP/504 plan). I will accept work up to 1 day late and it will count for no more than ½ credit. Any assignments that are not turned in at the time I collect them are considered late (left in another class, with a friend, in a car, at home, in locker, etc). After 1 day, students may not turn in any late work for credit. Students with an IEP/504 will be held to their listed extension of time plus the “1 late day.”
Required Materials
In order to be successful in this class, you will need the following items each and every time you come to class. You will need:
A large, sturdy 3-ring binder from which you can attach and remove papers
3 pads of Post-it Notes
2 packs of 3x5 index cards
Textbook (issued to you)àSHOULD stay at home
Workbook (issued to you)àMUST come to class everyday
**You will want to purchase your own scientific calculator (see calculator information) for use, as there may not always be a calculator available for immediate use**
Extra Help
It is my sincere desire for all students to understand class material and be successful; therefore, I am willing to provide one-on-one individualized help on an as needed basis. Please do not hesitate to ask me for help if you do not understand something; waiting to ask until you are completely lost is the worst thing you can do. Students must schedule and appointment with me as we often have meeting after school and I must work around those.
Tests/Extra Time
All tests/quizzes must be finished in the allotted class period in which they are assigned. *The only students who will receive extra time are ESE and 504 students with documented accommodations in their IEP or 504 plan. If extra time is required by these students, the test will be finished the next day provided the student has been working and making progress on the assessment during the class period.
Other Classroom Policies
You are considered tardy to my class if you are not inside the threshold of the classroom by the time the tardy bell rings. There will be no loitering outside the doorway only to rush in at the last second. If you don’t have a pass (or an email) you are tardy.
Electronic Devices
Electronic devices include, but are not limited to the following: cell phones, MP3 players, CD players, headphones, or any type of accessory that is associated with the above devices. If I can SEE or HEAR your device (on your desk, in your hand, behind your ear, etc) you will have a referral written for you.
Showing Work/Headings on Papers/Pencil
In order to receive full credit on assignments, you must follow all of the following guidelines. All papers must have a proper heading on them; most importantly, paper must have your FULL NAME written in pen. Any paper without a name will be discarded to be claimed at ½ credit. Finally, for all work, you must copy the problem, including all diagrams, show the steps that you performed in order to arrive at your final answer. Sometimes that is as simple as showing an line of addition. All work must be neat and organized with the associated problem. If it is scattered around the paper, it will not count. Assignments with no work shown will receive NO credit. Scribbling out mistakes in pen will also earn ½ credit for any assignment, so it is best to write in pencil.
Making Up Quizzes/Tests
If you miss a test or quiz during an absence, you must make it up like any other make up work. Students will make up the missed assessment on the class day they return. Exceptions may be made for extended absences. No extensions will be given for assignments given during the make up period. Please remember, if your absence is UNEXCUSED, you will only allowed to receive ½ credit for any work missed (that includes tests/quizzes). **No credit if missed during OSS**
Hall Passes
If you need to use the restroom, let me know before the minute bell and I will let 1-2 people go. For emergencies during class, I will allow only 1 person at a time to use the restroom using the pass on the door. You should return promptly. If I see a pattern of abuse, your privilege will be revoked. If a student has not been working on their required work, they will not be allowed to use the restroom until sufficient progress has been made. No passes will be given the first 10 minutes of class or the last 10 minutes of class. I do not write passes to another teacher’s class. I feel that it is rude and intrudes on their class time. Do not ask, because the answer will be no. Also, as per the sign on my door, do not interrupt mine.
Food and Drink
You may not EAT, DRINK, or CHEW anything in my class. Bottled water, in a clear bottle, is the only exception, but you may not leave during class for the water fountain. You may place your items on the brown tables at the front of the room, but if I have to throw away people’s trash…ALL FOOD/DRINK will be forbidden. If you are found to be eating during class, you will be given a referral.
Semester Exams/Projects
At the conclusion of each semester, there will be an exam and/or project to be further discussed at a later date. Projects can count as individual test grades. County wide assessments (LIA) may be used in place of a teacher created exam.