Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Wednesday HW all classes (Early Release Day)

All students should complete the graph that they received in class today.  The graph must be colored and the 3 questions at the bottom of the page must be answered (you can use whatever resource you like to answer those questions).  All students were expected to pick up a graph before leaving for a club meeting and will not be able to make it up if they did not. 

What is "Amnesty Day"?

I get this question A LOT :-) I do not accept late work over the course of the quarter simply because it creates quite a bit of confusion and disturbances to normal routines and such.  So, in effort to offer students who may have had a rough patch in getting accustomed to things or something come up in their personal life a chance to get some credit for their work, I do "Amnesty Day."

Amnesty Day is a day at the end of the quarter where I call students back for a mini-conference to let them know what assignments they are missing and just let them know where they stand or inform them of recent assessment scores.  Almost always, this day occurs on a Friday.  The students have the weekend to complete the work and then turn the work in on Monday for 1/2 credit. 

A student must be present in class to receive Amnesty Work from me.  If they are absent on that day, the only other option is for them to look on Skyward.  The due date for the work is 100% set in stone and non-negotiable, regardless of is, after all, a second chance to turn in work that was already missed once. 

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Thursday Geometry HW & Quiz Tuesday

HW will be turned in at the end of class after going over some tricky questions.  Quiz will be on Tuesday through section 1-3.

Upcoming FinAlg Test

Test on chapter 1 and box plots Tuesday.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Monday FinAlg HW

Comic strip illustrating the concept of opportunity cost. Must use 6 our more frames, be completed in full color, and include dialogue. Due at the beginning of class of Thursday.

Monday Geometry HW

P.17 #6 - 17 ...due to county Geometry testing this assignment will be due Wednesday

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Tuesday Financial Algebra HW

Work on the sheet you got today on class. Remember you will only get 10 minutes to finish at the beginning of class tomorrow.

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Thursday Geometry Homework

This assignment will be in your textbook. It must be in the 2 column format to receive credit.

Financial Algebra Homework

Complete the box-and-whiskers plot worksheet.