Monday, October 31, 2011

FinAlg PFP Brochure Project

The Personal Financial Plan

Mini-Project Due: Tuesday, November 8, 2011

You will, develop a brochure, flyer, or newsletter explaining to teens why it is important for them to begin personal financial planning.  Be creative, informative, accurate and remember to use the information discussed during this chapter to reinforce the importance of personal financial planning.  You will be given one day (Friday) to come up with a plan/rough draft of what you want your product to look like.  You will be given one additional day (Monday) to clean and polish that rough draft into a professional looking product that could be displayed as informational literature.

Grading Rubric:

20 points
10 points
0 points
Literature provides information that is accurate and provides enough information to educate on the topic presented.  Includes each of the 7 components of a PFP along with the major attributes of each part of the “plan”
Literature provides information that might be somewhat inaccurate or only uses key ideas but provides no real explanation.  May be missing at least 1 component of the plan.
Literature provides little to no information that is related to personal financial planning.  Incomplete information given on the 7 components.
Final product is either typed or done in neat (legible) handwriting, on straight lines, has a structure that organizes information effectively.
Final product not presented as a polished version of rough draft or very disorganized in manner of presentation.
Final product appears to be tossed together as a last minute effort with no real planning or organization of information at all.
Final product includes color and graphics or visuals to make it eye catching while maintaining the goal of informational literature.
Final product may have some graphics such as a title but no supporting graphics to back up information.
Final product is plain with no color or graphics at all.

Keep in mind, this project does not have to be completed on the computer, but it is okay if you choose to complete yours that way.

Monday, October 17, 2011

Monday FinAlg HW

Finish weekly spending chart sheet. Due Tuesday...remember you have had this paper since LAST Monday to work on.

Monday Geometry HW

WB p.39 ALL & p.40 #12-18 EVEN...kind of late but I just got the chance to post

Friday, October 14, 2011

**EXTRA CREDIT** Due Monday

For the people who were not in class when this opportunity was presented, you may complete this extra credit opportunity and turn it in on Monday.  It must be accurate and follow the guidelines to receive the extra credit.
Exponent has won the grand prize in a radio sweepstakes.  His gifts will be delivered over 10 days.  On the first day, he gets a kitten.  On the second day, he gets two hummingbirds and a kitten.  On the third day, he receives three rings, two hummingbirds, and a kitten.  This pattern continues for seven more days.  The remaining gifts, in order of appearance, include books, boxes of candy, bracelets, bouquets, cologne, CDs, and puppies.
You MUST create a chart to illustrate the DAILY quantities of gifts (the pattern is very similar to the 12 Days of Christmas song).
After 10 days, how many gifts did he receive total?
After 10 days, which gift did he receive the most of?
What is the average number of gifts PER DAY?

Monday, October 10, 2011

Geometry Make Up Tests

Any student who missed the Geometry Ch. 1 test Wednesday 10/5, may make up that test on Tuesday 10/11.

Monday Geometry HW

Monday's Geometry HW
Textbook assignment--Must be in 2-column format (questions & diagrams copied in left colum, calculations and answers shown in right column).  Will post exemplary sample later. 

"Get Ready" p.87 #1-20

Due Tuesday

Friday, October 7, 2011

Geometry Quiz Monday

Midpoint & Distance Formula...can use mimi poster from class

Wednesday, October 5, 2011